Ms. Ying Jin has more 20 years Chinese language and culture teaching experience in diverse settings, including middle schools, high schools, and colleges in both the U.S. and China. She is currently a teacher of Mandarin Chinese at the Fremont Union High School District in Cupertino, California. Ms. Jin served as the President of CLASS (Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools) in 2019 and has been serving on CLASS board since 2015. She currently serves on ACTFL (American Council On the Teaching of Foreign Languages) board. Ms. Jin has received 2018 Teacher of the Year from ACTFL, 2017 Teacher of the Year from SWCOLT (Southwest Conference On Language Teaching), 2016 Teacher of the Year from CLTA (California Language Teachers’ Association). Ms. Jin received her MA degree in Instructional Technologies from San Francisco State University, and BA degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Peking University, China.